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Be The Dating King

If a guy wants to be a big winner in the online dating world and find a great relationship, he should learn how to woo and court a woman. Courting a lady is a lost art these days, and because of that, the guy who masters courting and chivalry will stand out in the crowd and beat out any competition. Effort impresses women, and women are impressed when they are made to feel special and treated with great respect and chivalry.

Dating king
























The first thing to do is learn some of the chivalrous and gentlemanly actions that will make a date sit up and take notice. Hold doors, pull out her chair, help her on or off with her coat, offer an arm when walking down the street. An old-fashioned gentleman would always walk on the street side when walking on the sidewalk. If there have been a few dates already and it’s appropriate to be so familiar, guide her by putting a hand at the small of her back, just below her waist but above her backside. Open the car door for her, even when arriving somewhere. For more chivalry tips on other things to do and how to do these things properly, watch some classic old movies, especially romantic movies, and make note of how the leading man acts and do those things.

Make plans in advance. Call a woman to make plans for the weekend no later than Wednesday, and preferably even earlier. No woman wants to feel like an afterthought for a man that they’re interested in, and even worse she shouldn’t feel like a guy’s plan B. Calling at the last minute always seems like a booty call to a lady. Making plans earlier in the week shows the lady that she matters, that dates with her are important, and that she was worth some effort. Have an idea or two in mind, it will make her feel that some thought has been put into this and she’ll be appreciative of the effort.