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Kan Inkorrect Internet Lingo B Bad 4 UR Game?

When people reply to text messages, they often use text message language. Things like ‘ur’ instead of ‘your’ and ’2nite’ instead of ‘tonight’ may save you time, but what can they do to your dating life?

Although most people think that vocabulary won’t make much of a difference when messaging someone, it actually can prevent people not only from not messaging you back, but from not reading your message at all!

People don’t read entire documents from simply taking a glance at them, but the brain does have the ability to pick out specific words on that document. What does that have to do with online dating messages? Well, if someone looks at a message that you’ve sent, they can pick out words before even reading the content. An individual can look at a message and see words like ‘luv’ and ‘wat’ and lose all interest in reading what the person has to say.

Take a look at the chart posted at the top of this thread. It displays different text message style words, all of which will take your chances of getting a response down significantly. No matter what grade reading level your match is, they’re not going to want to read a message that’s targeted towards a 13 year old text addict!

Keep ‘text’ speech out of your vocabulary when you send messages online!

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  1. November 1, 2011, 8:45 am

    [...] If you want to get someones attention by letting them know you have an interesting career, it’s not enough to flat out say that. You need to get that message across in a way that makes you seem like you would be a fun date. [...]

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